Universal Truth Testimonials
"This was a great and rare opportunity! Thank you!"
"I had had these queries for over 10 years - thank you!"
"All in all - an excellent workshop!"
One-to-one Programmes
"Your programme is being very supportive, very helpful and encouraging."
"I found the programme very beneficial when I had started it, it helped me to clarify a lot of issues I didn’t realise I had, with the support of Nyla and doing the tasks really helped me to organise myself and look at things differently.
I felt very comfortable to share details and felt emotionally supported by Nyla.
I took time out for myself and during the tasks and was able to focus on myself and my journey to be more confident and learned to accept things. I believe that I really could overcome my problems with the right guidance and the support I received."
"I found it helpful to have someone to talk to, you organised the flat so quickly after we'd been in the travel lodge. I'm not sure where we would have been without your help. I wasn't sure I would have been where I am now without your help. I think it is good that even though I have left Scotland you are still able to offer me support.
You did offer me lots of support in Scotland but yes I did refuse due to feeling depressed. Which you did help with just by offering to go out for coffee where no one else offered their help. Even the children, you offered to help because they were struggling to fit into school.
I appreciate everything that you did for me and I will never forget it. You did so much more than my own family who just left to me to suffer by myself. Thank you so much."